"Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals."
Oscar Wilde







political philosophy,  background 
Thomas Hobbes | Psychology Wiki | Fandom"All acquired power consists in command over some of the powers of other man." , "The State has a ultimate power of control and repression"
Thomas Hobbes,
philosopher, one of the founders of modern political philosophy.

All Societies are, and will be in essence an arrangement of human beings based on the restriction of personal freedoms.























what is a society



The coronavirus pandemic accentuated the basic questions about, life, death, society, law, social control, identity, freedom.  It renews the fundamental question related to the life in a State. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (painted portrait).jpg(referring to the Social Contract, Rousseau) To recall, for 10 000 years we lived in small units and slowly started to construct a state. The humans are not equipped with the DNA based blueprint predefining how to build a State (like an universal grammar of human languages) - therefore we fight how to do it. Ideology is an architecture for a State and reason to show that "we" are best and "they" are wrong. Such a small hunther- gatherers  unit live in a similar way everywhere. The contagion may kill part of  such a unit, or entire but the other units will survive. There is a natural isolation.








All Societies are, and will be in essence an arrangement of human beings based on the restriction of personal freedoms.




Ethos a "bible" of a society based on a civil religion











"Ethos (/ˈiːθɒs/ or US: /ˈiːθoʊs/) is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology. wikipedia"








"civil religion" is like "theistic religion" (where some Deity is in centrum). The civil religion is often encoded in an "ethos". The ethos can be described as a set of acceptable behaviours and prescribed opinions. it is “artificial,” heterogeneous, and competitive social milieu of modern society in which ties between individuals are loose, and personal interest, collectivistic rationality, and the social contract are the glue that holds a society together. Swedish
"Civil religion" uses symbols and other expressions like rituals, celebrations, songs and flags, It is charaterized by certain degree of cultural homogeneity, collective cohesion, enforced harmony, common values, objectives and mechanism for exclusion. It defines (often in an implicit way) who belongs to category "we" and who "they" what has an influence on the mental health.  













a bundle, italian fascio
coercing the nation  hirerchical and paternalistic society  














It is a long historic process which leads to creation of an collective identity. We can identify how such convergence of the social ethos took place in Sweden, here below is a short list of ethos forming  mechanism.







A law prescribing citizens of Sweden to baptize their children in the  Swedish Lutheran Church, take communion and undergo examination for the knowledge of the catechism


It is allowed to gather privately and have a prayer meeting without the presence of a priest from the Swedish Lutheran Church


It is allowed to a civil servant not to be a member of the State Church


Citizens are allowed to leave the Swedish Lutheran Church without punishment by the expulsion from Sweden


99,7% of the population of Sweden are members of the Swedish Lutheran Church


The teachers of the primary school don't need to be members of the Swedish Church


79% of the Swedish population belong to some religious congregation


.It is expected that the prime minister of Sweden is a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church






















Currently, we have two inspirational sources, Jean-Jacque Rousseau and Cass Sunstein 
conformity is to copy what other do

 Cass Sunstein Photo - PLATE “The government acts paternalistically when it overrides people’s choices on the ground that their choices will not promote their own welfare.”
Cass Robert Sunstein, professor at Harvard Law School  




The Swedish society will try to lead you on the right path, make you a member of a collective, persuade you from pursuing choices, help  you to reduce your expectations and insist that you disassociate from an exclusive relation with God.

here below we show how it is done;

 From the Swedish Citizen's Book

Collectivism is Evil and Irrational - YouTube"It is peculiar to Swedish culture that it is not the state that has forced the citizens to take any collective action, but it is they themselves who have voluntarily joined forces, voluntarily adopted rules and programs for their activities, voluntarily submitted to the restrictions in the personal freedom that the organization must demand. We Swedes believe that such voluntary collectivism is more valuable than a state-commanded, uniform cooperation."





Rousseaus's "loving law"  or how to create illusion of loving self-restrictions




   Noam Chomsky
“10 strategies of manipulation"
(click below for appropriate language)
English   Svenska  Italiano   Deutsch  
MIT professor   Noam Chomsky, put forward a theory of Universal Grammar, Ph.D. at Harvard in linguistics, publications "Systems of Syntactic Analysis", "Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies" and  “10 strategies of manipulation"  

1. The strategy of distraction

2. Create problems, then offer solutions

3. The gradual strategy

4. The strategy of deferring

5. Go to the public as a little child

6. Use the emotional side more than the reflection

7. Keep the public in ignorance and mediocrity

8. To encourage the public to be complacent with mediocrity

9. Self-blame Strengthen

10. Getting to know the individuals better than they know themselves
















Is privacy an illusion
bildt The STATE and the privacy
"the surveillance technologies that are there (including this country by the way) they do not limit in any sort of way freedom of expression and information" Carl Bildt

  The STATE and the privacy versus information exchange
the STATE has right to brake any privacy sphere. Hence it is naive to insist on the high level of confidentiality such as PGP encryption. Digital Mail system provide complete AUTHENTICATION and  INTEGRITY of the exchanged information
  Carl Bildt's statement below









Propaganda in the liberal capitalism  





how the propaganda works in the liberal capitalism
conformity is manage by the rules contained in an ethos, the propaganda reinforces the ethos.
“The government acts paternalistically when it overrides people’s choices on the ground that their choices will not promote their own welfare.”
Cass Robert Sunstein, professor at Harvard Law School






Corona - some facts - not propaganda










Reproduction values R0 and RE

R0 is a characteristic of a virus or bacteria in predefined circumstances of a normal social interaction.
RE is effective reproduction as result of introduction of various measure such as vaccination and reduction of physical contact. The first step is to  bring RE under 1.





Ethos - what we belive or pretend to belive we are










Ethos of a society is a construction, it is an illusion we labour on and sometimes we die for it.

illustration of the basic principle of every society
"it is done for your own benefit"  
Society "disseminate"  messages so that all citizens know how to behave. On the photo we see Bishop Edward Vergérus  teaches  Alexander to love ethos. (from Ingmar Bergman "Funny and Alexander")
Still this method of teaching the good Swedish ethos is in use but  we differentiate between "characteristics of an ethos" and "teaching to love an ethos". ethos


















Don't trust your feelings, don't think, the science and experts tell us the truth - all is OK until it is wrong




[2020-07-19 20:07]